Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year Thoughts

Confused about what the best things in life are?

Try these -
New Friendships forged
Sharing simple Joys

Still perplexed?
You're thinking too much!

You don't need to click Happy New Year below if you're not/

Sunday, December 22, 2013


Whose glory is shown forth
 Bestowed 'pon one unworthy
 Wherefore, before ye on bended knees
 Humbly do I beseech thy forgiveness
For presumptuous love.

In submission,
He who is stands adjudged guilty

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Twas the night of the Crossing

Slept the Hessian in Trent

With no way to know 

They were 'bout to get bent

All of a sudden

Arose such a clatter

Before our cannon the Hessian did scatter

To the patriots spoils of victory were won

900 prisoners and all of their rum. Arrrr!

Shanty for Washington's Crossing (with flava)

(To the tune of Swing Low Sweet Chariot)
We row...row hard..and fast..
Crossing now to kick their ass...
We row... row hard..and fast..
Crossing now to kick their ass.
On Christmas what did the Hessians see..
Crossing now to kick their ass
A keg full of ass whup comin' down stream
Crossing now to kick their ass
We row...row hard..and fast..
Crossing now to kick their ass...
We row... row hard..and fast..
Crossing now to kick their ass.

Attention Unwanted

To whomever I may have not taken the hint from
Ignoring me just makes me want to fill in the vacuum
Let me help.
Here are some choice phrases with which to respond

Dear He who is not worthy, and thus shall not be named,
  • Unsubscribe me
  • Your services are not required
  • Geeks need not apply
  • Don't make me smack you
  • THE HAND...
  • We shall rule the universe together .. NOT
  • If you see me walking down the street, there is another side
  •  Duh-uh
Then you might finish with:
  • Let the door knob hit you...
  • Derisively yours
  • Kneel before the goddess and despair
    Don't worry, an offence I will not take
    No pressure.
       I understand..
          I'll man up...
             Crack on ....
                  Oh well.

    Sunday, December 8, 2013

    Tis the Season

    'Tis the season to be salty
    Every year we do the Crossing
    Marbleheaders man yer oars
    Our grog awaits us back ashore

    Saturday, December 7, 2013

    May I Die As Well

    Madiba, into legend ascends,  joining the pantheon of heroes and sheroes. Forever immortalized by deed, his power to inspire transcends the grave, culture and place.

    Wednesday, December 4, 2013

    The Power of the Dark Dark Side.

    She who will not be named,
    My poor attempts to hold back my expressions of affection, out of promised discretion, pain me, because I know it needn't be. Sense I cannot make of the this love I feel, no matter how I try. That's the wonder of it. It just is, without the demands of obligation. No reason for being, but of its' own genesis.

    I know what's in your mind. For it is in my mind too. Unless a spell of my own delusion deceives me, I feel its' force when we're together. Fear not the power of the Dark Side. It is only the fear of abandoning the inhibitions imprisoning the Goddess within.  Cast them aside!

    Wherefore. Join me, on Dark Side, with Equal Exchange dark chocolate.  Very Dark.

    Dark but Sweet,
    He who will not be named.

    Monday, December 2, 2013

    Good head is a wonderful thing!

    Life is so short. Too often in the rush of our daily hustle and bustle we don't take the time to do things right!

    But nothing enhances the experience of your favorite brew more than taking the time to pour it right. Ceremoniously lift the pitcher as you pour, letting the nectar lap uninhibited into overflowing frothy sudsy-nuss.  You''ll be rewarded with a foamy head of hoppy fragrance, wafting up into the nostrils. Don't worry, the foam will dissipate! Ahhh! But why wait? Don't be shy mates, dive in nose deep. Sacrifices must be made! A little suds on the tip of the nose won't be a total loss of dignity.  Get a lip lock on that glass, and lap it up laddy. Slowly now. Take your time, as your tongue glides slowly along the  rim. And, coming up for air , lift your voice in song, "Cape Cod girls ain't got no combs.... Hull away, hull awa-a-ay...! Oops. Sorry, I got carried away!